关于找工作的英语作文 关于找工作的英语作文带翻译

wasd8456 2024-01-30 9 0


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关于找工作的英语作文 关于找工作的英语作文带翻译
  1. 毕业后打算找工作还是开始经商英语作文?
  2. 写一封信给你想去的志愿工作的地方初二英语作文?
  3. 写一篇英语作文关于去家族企业上班的选择?


可以写先找工作,因为在工作的过程中可以锻炼自己敬业的品格 (work ethic),从前辈的身上学到东西 (learn from colleagues),并同时拓宽自己的人脉 (develop more social connections),等到结婚了,生活都安定下来了,也积攒足够经验后再自己经商


Iwant to be a volunteer of the animals. I like animals, so I will work hard. Every Saturday, I want to help those who stray animals, let them h***e a home, I'm good at to feed the animals, my strengths are, I h***e a lot of love. In my free time, I often go to take care of stray puppy kitten, so, I think I am qualified for this job. I want to in your animal protection base when volunteers, because my sensitivity to the animals. I'm free to help take care of ***all animals

关于找工作的英语作文 关于找工作的英语作文带翻译


Obviously,the benefits of working for a business owned by someone you do not know outweigh its disadvantages.

  Point1:First of all, to work in an irrelevant company gives you a lot of freedom of choice because personal emotions and family relationship will not be taken into account when you make decisions.

关于找工作的英语作文 关于找工作的英语作文带翻译

  Point2: Secondly, working for a business owned by strangers provides you with the chance of expanding your social network instead of working with a lot of your relatives.

  Point3: Admittedly, working in a business of your family do facilitate your adjustment to the company because a lot of your relatives and acquaintances will help you know about the whole system quickly.



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